Gates Of Autism

This is the best places for memes! Just a huge melting pot and all types of funny memes with silly cats!

Gates Of Autism

Created: July 11, 2023

Members: 2265

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This server is the new and improve GOA, you might ask what happened to GOA. Why am I not in it anymore? What happened to the old one? Those questions can be answered by checking the pins in lore. But this is the new and improved GOA with better mods and owner as the old owner was a no no and we as the community got rid of them. This new GOA as well might host art, gaming contest and maybe even meme contests too in the near future. We now try to grow back and have a stronger boom than the old GOA. We have the art channel with some of the creative artist, the meme channel where you can post your best and spicy memes or even collect them we know you like to lurk here, for those who prefer wholesome cute things we have the pets channel known as the silly cats go post your furry friends in there, gaming channel where you can post the games you been playing and try to make new friends on the way, general chat is where you can talk about daily things, aesthetic channel where you can post your best wall paper or nice pictures for everyone to view and use and don’t forget we have the best emotes and stickers to offer. We are a community that wants to be friendly and entertaining, come now to Gates Of Austin to see the new improvements that have been made and future it holds for all of us.

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