Mobile version of Discord now has the ability to send voice messages

Discord said in an official announcement that users of the mobile app can send voice messages. Now you do not need to go into the channel in order to hear the interlocutor, and the sound of messages is processed by the proprietary Krisp noise reduction system.

The company said that previously users could only hear each other in voice channels. At the same time, it is not always convenient to call and be distracted from business. Now the mobile application has the ability to send short voice messages. Thus, users will be able to hear each other without wasting time on a full-fledged call.

So far, short voice messages can only be sent from mobile devices, and listened to on all platforms. Voice messages are available in private messages, group chats, and on servers with up to 200 members.

Next to the typing line of the message there is a microphone icon, if you press it, the recording will start. To send, you must release the button, and with a swipe you can delete the recording and start again. You can also lock the button to record a message without hands.

For server administrators added new settings of user rights. You can now allow voice messages for the entire server, individual text channels, or only for users with a certain role.

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