[Noble Practice Server](https://twitter.com/noblepracserver) • Premium Tournament Administration
01 > Our Community
We’ve spent the past 2 years developing an incredible community with over *250,000* players.
02 > Main Goal
We allow users to participate in daily custom matches in order to improve their skills & enjoy some free time competing.
03 > Tournaments
Thanks to our incredible partners, we are able to to run cash prize cups!
I have been banned from noble for ages my epic name is weemantrxy I’m only banned because of a silly thing I said which I shouldn’t of said can I please be unbanned I have nowhere else to practice
hola, mi id es 7z daniixz y llevo baneado un tiempo. el motivo es raro, sin darme cuenta mate cuando quedaban 79 en vez de 80 y me banearon, me gustaría tener una segunda oportunidad debido a que no tengo intenciones malas. por favor me podríais quitar el ban? MI ID DE DISCORD ES DANI_VX gracias.