A gaming community with dedicated clans for multiple games across the world. +18


Created: June 01, 2019

Members: 3075

Join Discord Server

We are a large gaming community supporting and playing multiple games with clans set up within them. All clans operate under the RA1D umbrella with the server allowing you to find likeminded, sociable players to game with. We have a dedicated, fully boosted Discord server with custom roles and emotes to show off your progress.

Our friendly clan members are always willing to help and support any who need it with LFGs available within the server to find teams easily and quickly for a variety of activities across games.

For Destiny 2 we have a dedicated guides server to help you through end-game content. This contains tutorials for all endgame content, breakdown of encounters and mechanics in order to support successful completion.

Come take a look at what we have to offer, hope to see you soon as a member of RA1D.

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