SCP Foundation of VRChat

The SCP Foundation of VRChat is a Role play community within VRChat that is inspired by the SCP Wiki.

SCP Foundation of VRChat

Created: January 26, 2019

Members: 2457

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The SCP Foundation of VRChat is a Role play community inspired by the SCP Wiki that hosts events within the virtual reality game, VRChat. nnPlayers who join the Foundation are given the option to hang out as a Visitor or choose between Serious RP, Casual RP, or both. From there, they can choose to join the following jobs listed below.nnJobs:n-Mobile Task Force (MTF)n-Research Office (RO) n-Technician n-Actor n-Event PlannernnEvent types:n-Hangoutn-Casual RPn-Community Casual RPn-Serious RPn-Nightmare RPn

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