
Shards is your go-to place to squad up on the Battlefront and Battlefield sagas in daily games and private matches.


Created: April 14, 2019

Members: 1587

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– Private matches & events:

Since DICE announced that their vision for Battlefront II was complete, our first initiative, Shards of Battlefront has hosted over 15 large scale, 40 player private matches across ALL PLATFORMS for the community, bringing together creators, clans, subs and all players! While these are the most prominent, we have hosted events for all modes, also on console.

– Content creators community & support:

We also take pride in our large & growing community of creators & clans. Content creators of all forms and ALL AUDIENCE SIZES are welcome to join the community and get support.

Whether you’re just starting out, or even running a larger channel, we have helped produce some record breaking numbers for even 100k+ SUBSCRIBER channels, as well as, of course, some unforgettable unique experiences on the Battlefront in our events.

– But isn’t the game dead in 2024?

Yeah kinda. But that doesn’t stop us organising weekly scrims and often 20v20s with the still surviving community.

We’re also regularly over on other games- so if you need a squad, we likely have one!

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