The Anti-Car Collective

We advocate for a better world where one doesn't need a car in order to simply survive and get around.

The Anti-Car Collective

Created: December 07, 2021

Members: 2818

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—-Our Purpose—-nThis server exists to coordinate users across a variety of subreddits and platforms in discussions about raising awareness and advocating for policy changes related to car-dependency. With time, we hope to grow our community and shared knowlege to make a real positive impact in the built environment in favor of the many, many sustainable alternatives to personal automobile ownership and use.nn—-What this server is not—-nThis server is meant for advocacy and improving the lives of all humans on this planet. As such, we do not advocate for making the lives of others miserable. Such examples of that is banning all cars without implementing proper alternative transit options. We do not wish to alienate those who must own a car to survive. We do not wish to alienate those with different views than us. Instead, we aim to improve their lives by showing how car dependency can be solved, and the benefits of other means of transportation.nn—-What you can do here—-n> Local Advocacy ForumnWe handle the moderation, you get to focus on advocating for your local area and making a changenn> Transit Discussion ChannelsnTalk about your favorite mode of transit in detail, post news articles, find resources and statistics, or even post your own original content in our various transit discussion channelsnn> General Hangout ChannelsnUnwind and hang out with your friends and server members in the general off topic channels and talk about whatever.

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