The Golden House

Community dedicated to TCing for hyperinvestment in Genshin & includes: speedrunning, damage display and whalecrafting.

The Golden House

Created: June 18, 2021

Members: 14739

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Hyperinvestment doesn’t necessarily refer to spending money on the game, but rather high resource and time investment targeted at perfecting a character or team. What the Golden House seeks to nurture is pushing the limits of what’s possible in Genshin Impact and to explore the ceilings of every character in the game. Forget about cost efficiency – this is the place for anyone interested in bringing out the very best of specific characters, no matter what it takes.

At the highest level of investment, the question often isn’t whether you can clear the content in this game or not, but rather how fast you can clear it. Speedrunning challenges the boundaries of both resource dedication and player skill, making it a prime testing ground to observe the fruits of hyperinvestment.

The Speedrunning section accepts speedrun submissions across various speedrunning categories, such as Spiral Abyss and Domain runs. It is also dedicated to theorycrafting speedrun strategies to get the lowest times possible.

While typically impractical in standard gameplay, seeking out the highest damage number you can possibly achieve in a single strike is another area that hyperinvestment often touches upon. DPS is arguably one of the most straightforward ways to explore the ceilings of each character in this game, prompting us to constantly search for ever greater multipliers.

The DPS section accepts burst damage submissions for all characters and is anchored upon theorycrafting to achieve the highest damage numbers for each character.

Although you don’t need to be a whale to hyperinvest, frequent spenders naturally will have significant amounts of resources to play with. This category deals with recommendations on what to whale for and why, by providing whales a platform to voice their opinions on characters, weapons and artifacts from the perspective of high spending.

The Whalecrafting section is a whale-restricted forum for high spenders to theorycraft teams with high character constellations and weapon refinements. This category is read-only for non-whales to keep discussion focused on the aforementioned topics.

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