The TechniLog (OHG) Community

The official server of YouTuber TechniLog. a casual place to hang out and take part in events!

The TechniLog (OHG) Community

Created: May 12, 2017

Members: 19398

Join Discord Server

This server is mainly for TechniLog and his viewers. A place where the community can take part in the popular Discord Sings videos on Youtube, post fan-art (or non fan-art) etc.

But more than that, it’s a safe space to come to after a long day at work or in school and just meet up with your friends and hang out. Kept in check by out very dedicated and amazing moderating team. Every full moon or so Techni shows up to make a new video which you have a chance to take part in.

As well as a fleshed out level system that rewards you with new roles and perks the more active you are in the server.

We also have weekly events such as art contests, game nights, talent shows and many more where everyone can join if they feel like it!

All in all the important thing for all of us in the server and from Techni and the Moderators to the members is that everything is built on respect and compassion (as corny as it might sound, I know). We want that homey, family feeling in the server.

This server is more than just any other Youtubers server, to us it’s home and we welcome anyone that wants to take part in our little community.

Hope to see you in the server!
-Techni and staff

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