Created: March 06, 2023

Members: 1414

Join Discord Server

– What do we have in the server?

For each region we have a competitive category, in each of the category’s we have top clans and top 1v1/PR players. We also hold Tournaments, events, giveaways, ect.
We also have a really active and fast growing community.

– How do I get my Clan on the Leader board?

You must PR one of the top 10 clans to take their spot, if the clan you PR looses, they move down a rank, and the people underneath that clan on the leader board also gets moved down a spot.
How do I get myself onto the leader board?
As of right now, there are 2 leader boards, one for PRs and one for 1v1s. To get yourself on the 1v1 list you must 1v1 the top 15-10 and beat them, you cannot the whole leader board and 1v1 top 1 instantly, you must climb your way to the top!

The 2nd leader board are based around pr skills, how impressive you are in prs and how well you play. The list gets updated over the next couple of prs so we can keep track of your skill level.

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